Friday, March 14, 2008

3 diggs is a start!

I joined Digg 10 days ago and posted my first news item, an article from the Sydney Morning Herald on the Sea Shepherd and Japanese Whalers. I checked Digg today and I have had 3 Diggs! It's a start I suppose. Digg claims to more accurately reveal what people are really interested in reading, without the editorial control (and higher level control - government or commercial) of other online news providers. I don't know if is covered in the Learning 2.0 tutorials, however I came across it in a marvellous little book that I started reading about 2 months ago, called "Your Life Online: Making the most of Web 2.0 - the next generation of the internet" by Terry Burrows (ISBN 9781844423941)(book cover image from This book covers many of the areas we are using in the Learning 2.0 training and I do recommend it! I also started a account a few weeks ago but haven't really used it since. This is a social tagging or bookmarking tool and I liked the idea of it but haven't really explored it much yet. Once I finish my degree, I will have loads more time to explore these tools!

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